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Flash Player 11
H.264 Boosts Real Time Video


The upcoming Flash Player 11, currently available as incubator beta version, finally offers high quality live video encoding in the player itself. This is something many people have waited for and allows flash based chats, like Camamba, to compete with modern video chat applications like Skype.

When we heard about this new feature a few days ago, we immediately started to implement H.264 into the Camamba chat. Yes, Camamba is ready for FP11, and using the beta player you can enjoy this vastly improved video quality right now. It's still not very optimized, but we will continue to improve the implementation as more information is revealed by Adobe.

As all things beta, there's a catch: The test version of Flash Player 11 unfortunately also is what is known as the debug player. That means if it encounters any form of wierdness in the Flash application, it will pop up a warning window, which freezes the whole script. Most of these are harmless and as such developers rarely put much effort into removing all of them. There's one such situation left in the Camamba chat, which is the YouTube video player. Since the actual problem is caused by that player itself, we cannot fix it. :(

However, you can disable these debug popups by creating a file called mm.cfg. See Adobes help to find out where to put it. This file should contain a line like this: "SuppressDebuggerExceptionDialogs=1". That will disable the annoying messages. :)

Now, if you don't mind fiddling around with test versions and would like to enjoy the very first H.264 flash webcam chat, install the beta and join Camamba! Or install our free chat application on your homepage for your visitors.